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Could your furry friend find fame? Open dog auditions are being held in Glasgow for starring role in Legally Blonde musical

The producers of Legally Blonde the Musical are on the hunt for a canine star (Getty images/iStock)
The producers of Legally Blonde the Musical are on the hunt for a canine star (Getty images/iStock)

DO you think your dog has what it takes to be a star of the stage?

The producers of smash-hit musical Legally Blonde are on the look-out for a pooch to join the cast of Legally Blonde when it comes to the King’s Theatre in Glasgow.

Auditions will be held at the Theatre Royal on Wednesday 14  February for the part of Rufus, character Paulette Bonafonté’s dog.

Bruiser and Rufus are two of the furry stars of the musical (Getty Images/iStock)
Bruiser and Rufus are two of the furry stars of the musical (Getty Images/iStock)

The lucky pet will be part of a star-studded cast that boasts Eastender’s Rita Simmons, Eurovision singer Lucie Jones and Emmerdale’s Bill Ward.

The Musical will run from Monday 23 until Saturday 28 April 2018 at the theatre in Glasgow.

The producers are ideally looking for a bulldog but will consider other breeds.

Associate Director David Barrett said: “Our cute Brusier has already been cast and we are looking for a big, brutish dog that only its mother could love to play Rufus during the Glasgow run.

“Preferably a bulldog like in the film, but we are certainly open to options.”

If you think your dog has the woof factor please contact for more information and an application form.