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Heatwave warning for holidaymakers heading to mainland Europe

A dog cools down in Rome (PA)
A dog cools down in Rome (PA)

SEVERE weather warnings have been issued for European destinations popular with UK holidaymakers due to scorching conditions.

Temperatures are forecast to exceed 40C (104F) as a heatwave sweeps across the south of the continent

A graphic of heart alerts around Europe
(PA Graphics)


Meteoalarm, which is a network of national meteorological services in Europe, issued alerts for “very dangerous” weather due high temperatures in 11 countries such as Italy, Switzerland, Poland and Croatia.

It urged people to “follow orders and any advice given by your authorities”, adding that “extraordinary measures” could be introduced.


A woman sits near the Fountain of the Adriatic Sea in Rome
A woman sits near the Fountain of the Adriatic Sea in Rome (Gregorio Borgia/AP)

Temperatures are expected to reach 41C (106F) in Seville, Spain, 39C (102F) in Rome, Italy, and 38C (100F) in Athens, Greece.

A spokeswoman for UK travel trade organisation Abta told the Press Association: “With very high temperatures being recorded across Europe, holidaymakers are being advised to make sure they take sensible precautions to avoid sunstroke and other serious problems that can result from over-exposure to heat and powerful sunshine.

“Holidaymakers should ensure they stay hydrated by drinking plenty of bottled water, particularly the young or elderly.

“Abta would also advise that British travellers follow the lead of the locals in their destination by staying out of the sun at the middle of the day when it is at its peak, and follow any advice issued by health authorities in specific destinations.”


People cool off in a fountain in Pamplona
People cool off in a fountain in Pamplona (Alvaro Barrientos/AP)


Italian authorities told people in affected regions to “only travel if your journey is essential”, while Polish officials said: “Protect yourself and support vulnerable people. Expect possible infrastructural breakdowns.”

A number of Britons were among 10,000 people evacuated after forest fires in the French Riviera last week.

Tourists also had to be rescued from the Italian island of Sicily because of wildfires.


Sunbathers are evacuated from the beach in Le Lavandou, French Riviera
Sunbathers are evacuated from the beach in Le Lavandou, French Riviera (Claude Paris/AP)

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office advised UK visitors to Italy that forest fires are “dangerous and unpredictable”, adding that the risk of further blazes will remain throughout the summer.

Conditions are considerably cooler for holidaymakers staying in the UK, with sunshine and showers and a maximum temperature of around 20C forecast for Saturday.