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In pics: Huge iguana with 3ft tail found in Scottish Borders layby

Iggy the iguana was found in a layby (Scottish SPCA)
Iggy the iguana was found in a layby (Scottish SPCA)

A giant iguana was discovered next to the A702 on Tuesday September 12.

The Scottish SPCA was alerted after a very large green reptile was found by Council worker Steve O’Hara.

Steve told the Border Telegraph: “I was driving on the A702 between Romanno Bridge and Blyth Bridge when I pulled into a layby to have my lunch.

“As I sat in my van eating my sandwiches I happened to focus on an object on top of the dry stane dyke, some six to eight feet from me, and I could see it was a very large lizard.

“I approached it, gave it a gentle prod and found that it was still alive so I quickly emptied a large box from my van and put the iguana into it and put it into the front seat of the van with the heating on full blast.”

Now named ‘Iggy’, the iguana was then taken to Broughton primary school for warmth before being picked up by Animal Rescue Officer Dawn-Vale Lowdon.

Iggy the iguana (Scottish SPCA)
Iggy the iguana (Scottish SPCA)

Officer Dawn-Vale said if no one claims Iggy he’ll be kept in the animal charity’s care until a home can be found for him.

She said: “We were alerted to the lizard after it was discovered by a vigilant member of the public.

“Despite having a few bumps, he was alright once he had been warmed up.

“He’s now being cared for at our centre in Lanarkshire where he has been named Iggy.

Iggy the iguana (Scottish SPCA)

“If no-one comes forward for him we’ll keep him in our care until we can find him a suitable forever home.”

Chief Inspector Fiona Henderson said, “Green iguanas are kept commonly as pets. They require a lot of care as UV lights, heating and a big vivarium is needed to keep them comfortable.

“Iggy’s tail alone is at least 3ft so he’s very large, although he is now an adult so shouldn’t grow anymore.”

Anyone concerned about the welfare of an animal should contact the Scottish SPCA animal helpline on 03000 999 999.