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Hundreds of Memory Walkers on front foot in dementia fight

Alzheimers Scotland Memory Walk at Dalkeith Country Park 23/9/17. Marion Darling's group: l to r: Karen Low, Marion darling, Buddy the dog and Susanne McVicker
Alzheimers Scotland Memory Walk at Dalkeith Country Park 23/9/17. Marion Darling's group: l to r: Karen Low, Marion darling, Buddy the dog and Susanne McVicker

HUNDREDS of big-hearted Memory Walks supporters are turning parks across Scotland into a sea of purple this weekend.

There was a huge turnout in Dalkeith yesterday and many more will pull on their purple Memory Walk T-shirts today in Glasgow, Dundee, West Lothian, Saltcoats and Dumfries to raise awareness of dementia and Alzheimer Scotland.

It was Marion Darling’s first time at the Dalkeith event.

Her family has been affected by dementia more than most, as her dad, uncle and two aunts have all been diagnosed.

“When dad was told he had vascular dementia six years ago, we were given very little information from the doctor,” explained Marion, from Bonnyrigg.

“We received no details on support organisations, facilities or even what dementia would mean. Our experience wasn’t great.”

Marion, who did the walk with two friends, is a college lecturer in health and social care, so was aware of Alzheimer Scotland.

“My parents live in Fife, so I took my mum Ann to the Kirkcaldy branch and they did so much for us. Mum still visits them to this day.

“Dementia is a growing epidemic. More and more people are going to be affected so it’s important to raise awareness.”

Marion’s dad, Sonny, is 81 and in a nursing home in Kirkcaldy.

Today, almost 20 representatives from Westerton Care Home in Bearsden will join hundreds of other walkers at Kelvingrove Park in Glasgow.

Next weekend sees the final Memory Walks of the year, with events in Lanarkshire, Inverness and Borders.