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Island hope to get another taste of the ‘most lovely’ Scottish crowds after TRNSMT set

Island take to the King Tut's stage (Alice Hadden for TRNSMT Festival)
Island take to the King Tut's stage (Alice Hadden for TRNSMT Festival)

“GLASGOW audiences have always been our favourites,” says Island drummer Toby Richards as the band relaxes in the shade after a boiling hot set.

The London-based group have just taken to the King Tut’s stage in a particularly scorching Glasgow Green on the third day of TRNSMT.

And with a busy end to 2018 planned for the four-piece, they’re hoping to return north of the border sometime soon.

“We did a headline show at King Tut’s and it was one of the best ones on tour, one of the best, most lovely crowds,” Toby says, “so it was really nice to open up the King Tut’s Stage today.”

“There’s a friendly vibe,” guitarist Jack Raeder adds. “It’ll be nice to do more shows here, we’ve done one in Edinburgh and two in Glasgow, we want to get up here again.”

Bassist James Wolfe says: “Scotland’s been really good to us, Glasgow especially. They always come out in full force and have a great time.”


The love of a Glasgow audience is a common theme among the artists performing at this year’s festival.

So too is the chance to showcase themselves in front of thousands of potential new fans – especially crucial for the up and coming acts.

“Festivals in general are such an opportunity for people that haven’t necessarily heard of us or have but don’t want to take the plunge in coming to a show,” James says.

“If there’s nothing else on they come and check out a new band. I think we’ve all gone to festivals growing up and seen so many bands that we wouldn’t necessarily have seen. They’re super important at this stage.”

Unfortunately for the band, which also includes lead singer Rollo Doherty, who was resting after the performance, they are straight back on the road without much time to check out any other acts themselves.

After a quick cool down it’s seven-hour drive back home.

Jack had wanted to see headliners Arctic Monkeys – who he last saw at his first festival back in 2009 – but sadly ‘touring life’ has gotten in the way.

It’s something they’ll have to get used to, with a big North American tour planned for the end of the year.

The logistics are a nightmare! There’s a million things you didn’t think about when you’re organising everything,” says Jack, casting his mind to dilemmas over different voltages, shipping equipment over or just hiring it there…

But any hassle in the planning process pales in comparison to the massive opportunity the band are being given.

“Our label’s based in New York so it’s really nice that they want to get us over there,” says Jack. “We’re in quite a privileged position as a UK band of our level to have a label that’s pushing that as a major avenue for us so we’re really lucky for that.

Toby adds: “It’s a big month long headline tour so we’re well excited about that. We’re writing now trying to figure out what we’re going to do next music wise really.”

Reception to the group’s debut album Feels Like Air, released earlier this year, has been great.

“Rollo really loves that everyone we speak to has a different favourite song,” James reveals.

“Obviously there are always going to be songs that are better than others but if everyone has a different favourite tune, they all must be of a certain level!

“Getting to play them live is quality. When you get new stuff to play it’s always nice and fresh for us.”

He concludes: “We’ll have more new music by the end of the year hopefully – quite a lot of pressure on ourselves by saying that but that’s the plan!”