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Meals for under £10: Spicy Prawn Frittata

Prawn frittata (Jane Devonshire)
Prawn frittata (Jane Devonshire)

AT this time of year, lots of us are trying to eat more healthily. This frittata is filling, nutritious and delicious.

What’s more, it’s really quick to make – perfect for when you get in after work and are absolutely starving. It’s not just us that feel that way, is it?

Thanks to Fish Is The Dish for this great recipe created by Jane Devonshire. It’s part of their latest campaign to get us to eat seafood twice a week.


You’ll need:

3 tbsp chilli oil or olive oil

300g cooked new potatoes, chunked

1 medium onion, chopped

1 red chilli chopped

8 large eggs

125ml milk

1 tbsp fish sauce or pinch of salt

15g coriander & 15g basil, chopped

25gm butter, or 2 tbsp vegetable oil

400g cooked North Atlantic Prawns



Add the chilli oil, potatoes, onion and chilli to a frying pan. Fry until the onion is cooked through and the potatoes just start to brown.

In a big bowl put the eggs, milk, fish sauce, chopped herbs and stir until combined.

Add the butter to the frying pan and allow to melt and start to bubble.

Add the egg mixture and all of the prawns and, using a spatula, start stirring. Make sure to bring in the mixture from around the edges.

Keep stirring until mixture really starts to thicken then flatten out on the top and, if possible cover with a lid, or large plate. If not, turn heat down low and wait until the top of the frittata has set. Place under a hot grill for a few minutes.

Check the sides of the frittata – if it comes away easily and you can begin to see a golden colour and very little juice, remove from the heat and turn out onto a large plate.

Serve immediately with a large salad.