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Nicola Sturgeon’s promise to help Malta teen mum Leigha Collins

© Andrew CawleyLeigha Collins and baby son Hayes, who were ordered to go to Malta
Leigha Collins and baby son Hayes, who were ordered to go to Malta

Nicola Sturgeon has offered to help bring home teenage mum Leigha Collins and her baby after The Sunday Post told how key evidence wasn’t revealed to the judge who ordered her return to Malta.

She spoke of her support for Ms Collins, 19, and her one-year-old baby Hayes, who were sent back to the island, thousands of miles from her other toddler son and parents in Fife.

Ms Collins fled Malta after her relationship with Kyle Borg, 20, broke down. But she was accused of kidnapping her own child and ordered back by Scots judge Lord Brailsford.

When he made that decision the judge was not told Borg had admitted a charge of GBH, for attacking a delivery man, instead being told the case was pending.

Responding to a question from Leigha’s MSP Alex Rowley, Ms Sturgeon said: “My heart, as does the heart of everyone I know, goes out to Leigha and the circumstances she finds herself in.

“I cannot simply cast aside the constitutional limitations of my role, but if there is anything that I can try to do to allow Leigha to be home and to be safe, I will of course look at doing that.”

Mr Rowley said he has now asked Ms Sturgeon to meet with Leigha’s family.