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Experts warn of risk of psychological damage to kids from trans ideology being taught in classrooms

© Shutterstock / GorodenkoffTwo primary schools in Milngavie will take part in a pilot scheme.
Two primary schools in Milngavie will take part in a pilot scheme.

Experts are warning of the lasting psychological danger of introducing young children to material from a trans ideology charity linked to two convicted paedophiles as it emerged a Scottish council is doing so in two primary schools.

LGBT Youth Scotland, which just received a further £470,000 from the Scottish Government to boost their £2 million public funding, are being touted by two primary schools in Milngavie despite the charity being for 13 to 25 year olds.

Milngavie Primary and Craigdhu Primary informed parents that they have been “selected to be part of a pilot to work alongside LGBT Youth Scotland” that it is “linked to Scottish Government policy” and “East Dunbartonshire Council priorities”.

LGBT Youth Scotland, whose former CEO, James Rennie, was convicted of abusing a baby while heading one of the UK’s most dangerous paedophile rings, were exposed again when we revealed their 2010 “coming out guide” was co-written by Andrew Easton, who was later convicted of child sex offences.

BBC charity Children In Need withdrew funding, citing “reputational risk” after Easton, 37, from Aberdeenshire, sent 32 videos and images of child abuse while grooming what he thought was a vulnerable child.

Former Scottish Government advisor educational psychologist Carolyn Brown examined leaflets assuring Milngavie parents the schools are “committed to the principles of GIFREC – Getting It Right For Every Child” and said: “These words are carefully chosen to appear safe, when what they’re doing causes considerable long-term harm.

“Children struggle with their bodies during puberty.

“Without harmful ideology influences, they grow into who they are meant to be.

“LGBT Youth Scotland believe those struggling with puberty are born in the wrong body.

“This causes lasting psychological harm, sending children down an irreversible road of medication and surgery.”

East Dunbartonshire Council say there will be “staff awareness training”, they will “constantly review the curriculum to ensure equity for all” and “establish an equalities champion group”.

The scheme involves the schools joining LGBT Youth Scotland’s lucrative “charter scheme” which has already made them millions of pounds.

Most secondary schools across the country have already signed up. Only a handful of primary schools have signed up so far.

Former biology and sex education teacher Deirdre Hoyle said: “I implore parents not to be taken in by these leaflets. Please consider opting out to protect your children.

“All my working life, I took great care to ensure children were taught facts, not ideology known to cause harm.

“There appears to be no evidence of whether anyone has been given proof of whether LGBT Youth Scotland are even qualified to be writing educational materials to use in schools, or to be training teachers.

“The huge levels of government funding going to organisations like this would be far better spent investing in proper quality education for our children, rather than filling their heads with unscientific, sexualised fantasies.”

LGBT Youth Scotland insist their “charitable mission includes advancing LGBTQ+ education, and many primary schools are seeing a growing need to support LGBTQ+ young people in their settings”.

Carolyn Brown said: “I’m deeply concerned that now they have swamped our secondary schools with their damaging falsehoods, organisations like LGBT Youth Scotland now have their sights set on primary schools to expand their commercial enterprises.

“Their ideology has no place whatsoever within our education system.

“Parents have a right to see exactly what their children are being taught. They should carefully examine this material and consider the potential long-term damage that can be done.”

Scottish Conservative Shadow Children’s Minister Roz McCall said: “This initiative, which is outside LGBT Youth Scotland’s stated age remit of 13-25, does not belong in a primary school setting.

“We need to allow our children to be children, not drawn into ideological agendas before they are even old enough to understand them. The Scottish Government must answer for how taxpayer funds are being used to fund this.”

LGBT Youth Scotland, who describe the behaviour of their former CEO James Rennie as a “gross betrayal”, have made millions of pounds pushing their charter award schemes and teacher training despite high-profile statements attacking the Cass review which has been “adopted” by the Scottish Government.

Written by NHS England’s head paediatrician Dr Hilary Cass, the review states there is weak evidence to support putting some gender-questioning children on a medical pathway at an early age. The review also questions the evidence on social transitioning in childhood.

Mhairi Crawford, CEO of LGBT Youth Scotland, said: “As part of the guidance from the Scottish Government on Inclusive Education, we have provided support for primary schools that approach us to engage in the charter programme. A small number of primary schools have requested this over the past five years.

“In this case, we have shared Charter materials with senior leaders at these two schools in East Dunbartonshire, enabling them to create a framework and provide age-appropriate materials to their pupils.

“As part of the mission to build a more inclusive and fairer Scotland, this work is part of the LGBT Charter for Education and supports the Curriculum for Excellence and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.”

East Dunbartonshire Council’s Chief Education Officer, Greg Bremner, said: “We follow Scottish Government guidance in respect of LGBT inclusive education. LGBT Youth Scotland are actively involved in the professional development of staff in order for schools to attain the LGBT Charter accreditation, however, they are not directly working within our schools.”


This story in which experts expressed their concern at how trans ideology written by pro-trans groups is being published in Scottish schools, we stated: “Written by NHS England’s head paediatrician Dr Hilary Cass, the review states that not only are gender-questioning children harmed by trans ideology, children who are asked to accept that a classmate is able to change sex in what is known as social transitioning are also harmed.”
We accept that this is not included in the Cass Review.
Instead, Dr Cass said there was weak evidence to support putting some children on a medical pathway at an early age.
The Review also comments on social transition. There has been a shift in recommendations (by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health) which argues in favour of social transition in childhood.
It justifies this change in stance on the basis that there is more evidence on improved mental health outcomes. However, none of the statements in favour of social transition in childhood are supported by the findings of the University of York’s systematic review.
Given the weakness of the research in this area there remain many unknowns about the impact of social transition. In particular, it is unclear whether it alters the trajectory of gender development, and what short- and longer-term impact this may have on mental health.