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Scottish paper £10 notes to be withdrawn on same date as Bank of England

One of the Royal Bank of Scotland £10 notes that will be withdrawn (Getty Images)
One of the Royal Bank of Scotland £10 notes that will be withdrawn (Getty Images)

GET spending or banking your paper £10 notes, as you’ve only not got long left to use them.

The Bank of England announced yesterday that their paper £10 notes will cease to be legal tender from March 1 2018 onwards.

And their Scottish equivalents look set to be taken out of circulation too.

A spokesperson for the Committee of Scottish Bankers said: “The intention is that the Scottish note issuing banks, Bank of Scotland, Clydesdale Bank and the Royal Bank of Scotland, will withdraw their paper £10 notes at the same time as Bank of England on 1st March 2018.

“Further details will be provided in due course.”

The new £10 notes are made of polymer and are more durable and secure than predecessors.

They contain special technology that makes them harder to forge, as well as new features that make them easier to use for people who are blind or partially sighted.

Paper £5 notes have already been withdrawn from use by the Bank of England.

Plastic £20 notes are set to come into circulation from 2020.