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Sully became hero pilot in Miracle on Hudson on this day in 2009

The US Airways passenger jet crashed into New York's Hudson River
The US Airways passenger jet crashed into New York's Hudson River

UNFORTUNATELY, it’s not uncommon to hear of plane crashes.

However, in the case of a crash on the Hudson River, New York, in 2009, while shaken up by the incident, all passengers survived.

US Airways flight 1549 had barely taken off when at least one bird flew into the plane, creating an emergency situation.

As pilot Chesley “Sully” Sullenberg assessed his environment, he realised the safest way to crash land was onto water — something that is not often practised.

The fact that there were no serious injuries is testament to Sully’s expertise.

He was quickly labelled a hero, and the survival of all 155 passengers was referred to as the “Miracle on the Hudson”.

Sully’s actions were made into a film that was released in 2016 and starred Tom Hanks as the heroic pilot who pulled out all the stops to put everyone else’s safety above his own.

Passenger Jeff Kolodjay said he was sitting in seat 22A, near one of the engines.

“The captain came on and said: ‘Look, we’re going down,’” explained Jeff. “‘Brace for impact.’

“I said about five Hail Marys.”

Sully saved them all, yet he claims he “doesn’t feel like a hero”.

“Everyone’s reputation is made on a daily basis,” he said.

“There are little incremental things — worthwhile efforts — and after a lifetime, they can add up to something. You can feel as if you lived and it mattered.”

That may be true, but were it not for his quick thinking on that day, things could have ended very differently…