January 24, 2017, 4:23 pmUpdated: January 24, 2017, 4:24 pm
IT sounds like it could be the plot of a children’s book, but this video shows a polar bear taking a trip to the dentist.
And it may surprise you that it only takes one dentist to do it… well, one dentist and five vets, two nurses, 11 firemen and 11 rangers.
The unlucky victim is Victor, an 18-year-old polar bear who lives at Yorkshire Wildlife Park, who had to take the dreaded trip after staff noticed that one of his 42 teeth was discoloured.
He was x-rayed and had his joints, claws and bones examined during the two-hour check-up.
He had to grin and bear it when he was unconscious for the procedure, but he’s back on his feet now.
We’re not sure who gets the job of brushing Victor’s teeth…