Opinion Chris Deerin: No referendum for two years, Mr Corbyn? The First Minister will be absolutely delighted November 17, 2019
Politics SNP say Tory plans to reduce ‘immigration overall’ if they win general election would be ‘hugely damaging’ for Scotland’s economy November 14, 2019
Politics Jeremy Corbyn guilty of ignoring Scotland’s vote to Remain – Ian Blackford November 13, 2019
Politics Richard Leonard: “There will be no independence referendum for years. Scotland won’t want one if we win an election” November 10, 2019
Politics Nicola Sturgeon’s rallying call: We must get out in numbers and tell Westminster it’s time for us to choose our future November 3, 2019
Politics Nicola Sturgeon will demand power to hold indyref 2 within days of general election result November 1, 2019
Opinion Donald MacLeod: The blows of batons in Barcelona must be heard in Brussels or the EU will crumble. Me? I just want out October 20, 2019
Politics Nicola Sturgeon to demand powers by end of the year to hold independence referendum in 2020 October 15, 2019